Ariane Luckey


Ariane Luckey is an artist living in Litchfield County, Connecticut, painting in oils and occasionally pastels. Her contemporary landscape paintings can be described as a quiet contemplation of nature and whenever possible, Ariane begins a work en plein air where she finds a direct and spontaneous response to the moment.

Works by Ariane Luckey

Get to Know Ariane Luckey

How do you typically describe your landscape paintings?
My landscape paintings are about a sense of place but not about creating an image to represent the place. They are an impression. Blurred, as if in motion. Passing by.

What does your process look like?
My process usually starts with a quick charcoal thumbnail sketch, loose and legible (probably only to me). If possible, I like to paint a preliminary study on location with a direct and spontaneous response to the moment.

My color studies, on panel and recently, on paper, come next. I work quickly and often in series. Back in the studio, it is all about staying Ioose and holding onto the initial inspiration, losing edges (and then finding some of them again).

Ariane’s Studio Tour

Read through Ariane Luckey’s artist Q&A to discover more about her work and browse photos of her Litchfield Hills studio in Connecticut.

Ariane’s Island Light Collection

Browse Ariane’s collection of eight paintings inspired by the storied of Monhegan, ten miles off the coast of Maine.


Richard Kooyman


Jessie Mackay